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St. Lazare Info and Blog

Years ago, I moved to St. Lazare from Montreal.  Having worked 15 years in top Advertising Agencies, and having two young boys, I thought I needed a small piece of Lous' paradise.

In 1989 it was still a small Town. Hudson was unaffordable per square foot on the Lake.  So... St. Lazare was the better choice for me.  Virgin forest, bogs, horse trails, etc... seemed perfect.  The boys could build tree houses.  Catch frogs, turtles, and lizards and we'd keep them as pets.

Fox and racoon were a huge problem.  Deer, hawks, and owls, always sighted on a long walk.

Now, things have certainly changed.  There are more 'garderies', less animals of all sorts.  And can you say beaver?  No more issues with them.

Even the rare brown bear was a welcomed sight despite the fear it caused.

As Oka crisis came to an end, I settled in firmly and fondly.

Life in St. Laz was much different then.