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Home Grown

Your Home Grown is a popular slogan especially with the Cannabis Act taking effect soon, the political reality of tariffs and buying local. It often suggests healthier, organic, or grassroots.

There are great places to shop around here that help support local farmers, artisans, and even a nice winery. My Italian neighbor who is a Master gardener. When he shares what he has reaped, the gesture itself is home grown.

His passion for gardening, or my friend's passion for her children... when it is shared it inspires others to do the same. Pay it forward when you can.

What about a home grown business. What happens when you put passion and focus on your 'to do' list.

It's Friday and I like to end a busy work week on a positive note. On mornings like today, a simple story shared by someone who knows are area very well, is what inspires me.

We all have passion for something or an experience that is unique. Mix that with a tried and true step-by-step process and tools, and you have the recipe for success. For some that means personal satisfaction or commitment to help others. And for some it's financial success or maybe to make a living doing something you love.

Ashley's story is actually simple but it's clear he is passionate about what he was able to do for himself and his beautiful family. Holy success story batman - aka Ashley!

Whatever your passion or idea, it can become your super power. Cheers! to the home grown ideas and foods that feed us